Hello! What's your name?
Let's Talk About Your Business
What is the name of your business?
Describe your business in a few sentences.
Who are your main competitors?
What makes you different from your competitors? What sets you apart from them?
Who are your ideal customers?
What is the lifetime value of your customer?
Customer lifetime value is the revenue you expect an average customer to generate during their relationship with your business, whether they are a one-time purchase or through repeat business.
Let's Talk About Your Website
Do you want to improve an existing website, or create a website from scratch?
New Website
Improve Existing Website
What is the URL of your existing website (if any)?
What do you like and dislike about your existing website?
Do you have your web content ready?
Yes, take it from my existing website
Yes, it's in documents ready to go
Nope, but I will be writing it
Nope, and I need help with it
What are your main goals for a website?
Local SEO (lead generation)
Email Marketing (lead conversion)
E-Commerce Store (sell more products/services)
Professional Email (improve my business)
Online Scheduling (improve my business)
Digital Invoicing (improve my business)
To call your website a success, what would need to happen?
Almost Done...
Can I give you a call to talk further?
What is your phone number?
0/19 Completed!
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